He Whakamārama

T Ī M A T A – beginning

TĪ – has connotations to people ie ‘E te tī, e te tā’

TIMA – refers to a team. Although a literal translation, invokes the notion of team work, working together, etc

MA – refers to ‘for’

MATA – refers to the face e.g., Mata o te whenua – face of the earth, mata o te hoe – blade of the paddle, the face of a person connotations to ones tūrangawaewae, etc

ATA – refers to the morning, a new dawn

TA – refers to ones DNA, identity, etc – TĀ MOKO, to write, script

– Hau Rawiri


The founders of Te Timata are born of the idea that kinship, community and whānau are the backbone of successful societies and cultures. Both Shelby and Gary have a deep history of contributing to the wider betterment of the people that surround them.

Shelby Young

Shelby is of Ngāpuhi descent. She carries the Mauri gifted to her by her ancestors and uses this to challenge current industry norms to help develop better ways of working and thinking. Combined with her vast amount of leadership, management and governance experience she helps steer Te Timata toward becoming an agent for change, change for the better, change for the good and change for Iwi, Hapū and whānau. This is driven by her passion for creating flourishing, inspiring, connected, prosperous and meaningful communities where people can thrive and grow.

Shelby has been involved since 1999 within the property development industry. In addition, Shelby’s career spans local government, civil construction, aged care, social justice and most recently resource recovery. She is a business woman and chartered accountant by trade who goes beyond the numbers for every business with whom she interacts.

Gary Gordon

From humble West Auckland beginnings Gary has forged a solid career spanning quantity surveying to property development to now building communities. He has formed strong relationships built on expertise, knowledge and trust that have delivered positive outcomes for many home seekers across Aotearoa. He uses entrepreneurial flair and thinking embedded by his grandfather that has led him to where he stands today.

Gary currently holds the role of CEO of Solution Street and has been involved in property development in both Aotearoa and Australia for over 20 years. He has experienced first-hand the successes of property development.

What Makes Us Different?

Our Whenua, our tupuna, our tāngata, our mokopuna, our history, present and future call us to make a stand, play our part and do the right thing for all Māori.

We are Māori focused with services that matter for Māori.

As seasoned developers we bring resilience for development to your Kaupapa to develop your whenua. Even Sir Edmund Hilary who was an experienced and highly skilled mountaineer had a Sherpa when he conquered Everest. Someone who knows the maunga and prevailing conditions, can read the environment and who has a suite of strategies to ensure a safe passage. Risk is always present and cannot be eliminated, however having a robust understanding of the critical elements can help manage the risks faced with property development.

Kaupapa me Ngā Whāinga (Our Vision and Aims)

Kaupapa (Our Vision)

Navigating pathways to Māori prosperity.

Whāinga (Our Aims)

  • To be change agents for Māori prosperity
  • To promote Māori success, innovation and enterprise
  • To become the preferred business, development and housing partner for Māori

Ngā Pūkenga Matua (Core Competencies)

  • We understand the needs of our customers and deliver affordable homes in neighborhoods where people want to live.
  • We are innovative thinkers unlocking opportunities to provide financial security through affordable housing
  • We have proven commercial discipline and a track record of delivering on time and on budget the projects we have previously led
  • We have experience working with Māori communities and Māori landowners in property development.
  • We are active in the NZ property development industry both from a property developer and Government agency perspectives
  • We are values driven and want to make a positive difference in the lives of the whanau we work with.

Ngā Mātāpono (Core Values)

Our values are underpinned by the application of Tikanga Māori. This approach helps align our operational values (defining how we work) with kaimahi life values (staff members ways of living/being). We have five mātapono which are taonga i tuku iho. They are:


  1. Whakaiti ki te Taiao nui (being respectful and humble towards the environment)
    Keeping our environment front of mind will bring the understanding that we are not the biggest thing or even the main show, nevertheless we have an important part to play. This is not limited to the physical world, but also includes our business, political, global and spiritual environments.
  2. He ora tangata (thriving people)
    We believe well-being of people is a key ingredient to our success. To quote Tareha Paora Rapata “we are all human but how are you being?” Whether staff, business partners or other external parties, we are all human made up of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states that need to be cared for and nurtured in order to thrive.
  3. Me te Aroha (and love)
    This is why we do what we do. We love doing it, we love helping people, we love delivering great outcomes and we love winning. Love is what brings us together. It is our springboard from which we can be grateful, show kindness and bring hope.
  4. Akoranga (commitment to betterment, growth and improvement)
    This is part of our DNA handed down from our tupuna. This requires us to be present in the space to learn and glean from our every interaction. Taking the time to pause and reflect. This way we can keep on doing the good stuff, removing the unhelpful bits and try doing new things to make next time even better.
  5. Kawanatanga (commitment to partnership)
    Our success is tagged to your success. We are deliberate in our business partner preference. We want to be successful but not at the expense of another. We embrace our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and allow our commitment to partnership to be influenced by this action. The distilled outcomes we expect from this are genuine partnership and nurturing tino rangatiratanga from the start.