Journey to Partnering

We are recognised within the NZ property development sector as reliable and reputable. We have a track record of delivery on time and budget. We carry favour with funders in both the private and public sectors. We are trustworthy and operate with transparency. We will challenge the ‘normal way of doing things’ to make way for innovation. We remain vulnerable to preserve our authenticity.

We bring commercial understanding and expertise specifically in relation to property development. This enables us to obtain a high-level view to assess the current state and to plan the next steps to move forward. Our ‘tima’ come equipped with a wide range of skills from development advisory through to providing a full partnership service offering and all the in-betweens. We use methods (such as a GAP analysis etc) so we can assess your resource requirements and match those to the resources available to see what will best suit you.

Process to Partnering


Initial Investigation/Plan to Partner – We would begin with a conversation to understand what is important to you and whether we have a meeting of the hearts and minds. This Karanga is two way and can be initiated by you, by us or by a third party with a vested interest (e.g. Government, Financiers etc.) If initiated by us, it is likely that we already have an awareness of you and your aspiration for whenua development that will deliver the outcomes you are seeking. At the end of this phase we would prepare a proposal which would contain an initial analysis of options for you to consider. This should enable you to decide what direction you should proceed prior to taking the next step to commit to engaging and partnering.

Please note this assessment would be a first blush, without the necessary detail needed to proceed to implementation.

Before moving to the engagement phase we should enter into an agreement to capture the intent of both Partners to proceed. We have loosely referred to this as a commitment to proceed. At this point we should have a Heads of Agreement to ensure clarity of understanding for each Partners respective roles and responsibilities. The intention here is to legally bind as Partners. (Timeframe guideline 1-2 months)


Engagement/Initiating Partnership – During this phase we would look to lead the development of the following with you:

  • Concept design, scope definition and feasibility study
  • BIM modelling and design coordination
  • Commissioning consultants
  • Procure development funding
  • Obtain consent from the relevant Local Government authority
  • Fund cost to serve during partnership initiation and preliminary costs
    (Timeframe guideline 6-9 months)

Before moving to the Implementation/Partnership phase we should revisit the Heads of Agreement and ensure that it adequately captures further roles and responsibilities during this next phase and make the necessary amendments to the term sheets. The kind of changes that we can anticipate at this stage may be to do with how we resource specific tasks by Partners. Also should the Partners decide to take a different pathway this could be enabled at this point in the process. So firming up the Partnership bind or releasing from the bind is possible at this point of the process.


Development Implementation/Partnership – In this phase we deploy resources in accordance with budgets and plans to realise the dream and make it come to life. In addition to uplifting consent from the relevant Local Government authority, leading the facilitation of both procuring and deploying construction (i.e. selecting the main contractor) of the development, we would also remain a key member of in the project steering or control group where we will be ensure that we remain on our critical path and understand any deviation and drivers behind the deviation.
(Timeframe guideline 9-15 months dependent on development requirements.)


Release from Partnership – This is the final phase where we move forward having achieved all that we set out to achieve carrying our successes back to our respective worlds. All going well we will all be that much richer and wiser for having come together.
(Timeframe guideline 3-6 months again dependent on plan to exit.)